By: Chris Empio   -  In: General   -  0   Comments

Innovation is at the Heart of Every TREND

Trend Medical


The Trend PRO LSO offers a revolutionary design and compression system to easily mold and form to patients back. It encompasses a dual or single pull draw system that is great for patients that lack strength in both arms. The design offers patients a comfortable and easy to use LSO with superior quality, comfort and performance. This brace covers up to the T9 vertebrae with lateral control.

Empire Price


The Trend Pro Unloader 2 is the perfect brace for patients with mild to moderate osteoarthritis. This brace features a low profile single upright design that is easily customizable to every patient. This brace also has an easy to use unloading mechanism and numbered strapping system for easy application and use. Its universal design covers a wide range of sizes reducing inventory and allowing the brace to be used for both medial and lateral unloading.

Empire Price


The Trend Pro Wrist is an ideal product for patients suffering from many wrist and hand ailments including carpal tunnel syndrome. Having the ability to set flexion/extension or put the wrist in a neutral position is a game changer in wrist bracing. Traditional wrist braces “cock-up” the wrist which creates pressure on the median nerve and causes more pain for patients with carpal tunnel. The Trend Pro Wrist features universal sizing with an ambidextrous design, quick lace closure system, a malleable frame to allow the brace to confirm to any patient, an easy to use adjustable ROM hinge to allow for desired flexion and extension, and a nylon glove to add compression and warmth to wrist/hand to promote blood flow.

Empire Price

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